jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Tabla de arte

1ª Author: Raphael
Work: colour drawing compositions
Type of work: fresco
Dcoration: colours

2º Author: Donatello
Work : Renaissance
Type of work : Sculptor
Decoration : The ideal

3º Author : Juan de Herrera
Work : Arquitecture
Type of work : Building
Decoration : Reliefs in the constructions






Models representated in other places

This artists colaborated in te construction of Saint Peter's Basilica

Artists and work

Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti

Bramante, Micheangelo and Maderno



Figures of convey

They reached the zenith

Artists and work

Masaccio and Piero della Francesca
Leonardo da Vinci, Mocheangelo Buonarroti, Raphael and Titian



Capture ideal

Micheangelo was the master of the sculpture.

Artists and work


jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Martin Luther

Martin Luther and the German Reformation
1. (a) Describe the event that is taking place in the source
shown on the right.
_____The Protestants_____________________________________

(b)Mention one immediate consequence of this event.
_____Muerte a los protestantes_____________________________________

1. Explain the following terms:
(a)justification by faith: ______________________________________
(b) indulgences: __________Benevolencia, tolerancia con las faltas o facilidad para conceder gracias:_________________________________
(c) Papal bull: _____jefe del papado_______________________________________
(d) excommunicated: ______no bautizado________________________________
(e) heretic: _____________hacia cosas contra la iglesia_________________________________
(f) clerical celibacy: ________________________________________

2. Write briefly four important landmarks in the life of Martin Luther.

Excomugate, The 95 Theses, The Lutheranism and the expansion reformation.

1. Why was the Council of Trent summoned? ________Because they adopted different resolutions for stop te protestants.__________________________


2. Identify three conclusions reached at this Council.

(a) ____________________________________________________________________

(b) ____________________________________________________________________

(c) ____________________________________________________________________

3. Name five countries in Europe where the Counter-Reformation was successful and one country

where it was not.

(a) Successful in: __________________________________________________________
(b) Unsuccessful in: ________________________________________________________